July 2024


When disappointment happens back -to -back- to -back or even in a series in our life it's easy to expect more of the same. Sometime our expectation of always receiving disappointment, the short end and disaster in life creates a posture of accepting 'disappointing results' as a norm so when it does show up we are already 'acclimated and in that heart posture. ' So in essence we live in disappointment. I counsel with many youth and adults who literally have these disappointments  until we apply God's knowledge (the logos) and change this self sabotaging mechanism. I read an amazing article by Joyce Meyers that talked about the expectation of bad outcomes from evil forebodings.

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"We See In Part. I'm convinced we miss ALOT of destiny helpers and assignments due to looking on the outward appearance. We miss the #TRUE criteria of heaven because we are too busy trying to create our own criteria. If The LORD already has seats in place with His criteria who are we to change the criteria of The LORD? I believe this why we waste years, lose money,and fall into depressions because the fact is 'spiritual offices/seats' are eternal and belong to The LORD and His eternal staff. How can we be upset because we put 'what looks right' in our eyes or peoples opinion in a seat but the angels that back that seat DO NOT respond. Next, understanding the backing of an assignment, mission, seat doesn't come because of OUR PREFERENCE. It comes because just like an authentic Louis Vuitton purse it was handcrafted by the creator and given a heavenly serial number for authentication, backing, quality assurance, and approval. Luis Vuitton doesn't back anything his factory hasn't created, TESTED and given a serial number. Neither does THE LORD.'

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Learning to trust and obey God is a journey. Sometimes it takes us to keep making the same mistakes over, and over again until we finally realize the way we keep trying to go is not the way God wants us to go. People can tell us for years but it's only until we get tired of 'falling in the hole in the sidewalk' that we can do what God has always been telling us to do. He's not going to make us. He will just continue to let our plans keep failing. This can be a long, painful and hard lesson until we get it.  God explained this to me back in the early 2000's when I wrote and self published this book. Dive in to find out why we obey God.

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I found something interesting as I was writing this book.  The Problem with Simon 'Magus' also known as Simon the Sorcerer. Simon was the town hero one day and then joined the church movement the next day. Now this would not normally be odd except for one thing. He wasn't joining the church movement to participate but to hide. The story of Simon the Sorcerer is one of the greatest lessons a pastor or leaders of any movement could ever learn. But since The Lord knew the magnitude of the problem He sent HEAVEN AUTHORIZED Apostle's who are more skillful at navigating these matters. Get my ebook to find out what the problem was with Simon The Sorcerer. 

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If you've ever attended a prophetic church or been apart of a  prophetic community for any period of time then you more than likely have heard about the timing of God quite a bit.  Not properly closing the door to old moves of God (including relationships) can be detrimental even fatal to your next or current season. And what's even worse is allowing old moves of God (including but not limited to people) to stay around and even linger on when you should have closed and sealed the doors to them many years ago as you patiently and prayerfully prepared and waited for God's' next. Part of the problem is we have a hard time identifying when it's time to leave ANYTHING. In my previously FREE eBook, THE EXODUS, I give you nine biblical and practical indicators of when it is time to exit a person, place, thing, and/or  situation. Indicator letter H which is number 8 is from my ebook in Chapter 2 is as follows:

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Did you know that destiny has keys? In my book Daughters Of Destiny I give seven keys on obtaining destiny. Key number four, #4 is to remember that YOUR FREE WILL IS INSIDE THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD. This means what you choose or do not choose has already been accounted for as you navigate life looking for something (destiny) that is at the same time looking for you. God speaks to us through the prophet Jeremiah and says:

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I'm not too sure how many of you reading this story can relate to being homeless and hungry and not having the money or resources to get food or shelter but I can.  Personal experience always makes the best advocate in these circumstances. So in light of my experience we wanted to introduce you to a few men, women, and children who have experienced the same thing (homelessness and hunger) but as a result of your donations you are helping us to reach them through our various projects and partners as we travel the nation. Here are a few names that stand out among all that we give to and support that you should know about. Thanks for your generosity.

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In the book of Exodus the Children of Israel were faced with many decisions while in captivity. One of the things their faith was challenged with was their exit from Egypt. It seemed as if Gods promise of them being a free nation was not going to happen because no matter how God used Moses, Pharaoh refused to let them go. It was only until the very end when they were across the dry land and the sea swallowed up Pharaoh and his army were they finally granted the freedom they longed for. So what does this mean when freedom takes so long? In my book, Removing The Curse From The Lord, we talk about what it means when scripture tells us that God hardened Pharaohs heart. This is mentioned four times in the book of Exodus. When God hardens someone's heart against you that means He has a plan. The first step to thriving when you're being loosed from a Pharaoh is to seek God on His plan. Have you gotten my book yet?

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June 2024


When I was first beginning my training as a prophet between 1997-2000 the Lord began to speak to me about sowing seeds. He told me that teaching His nation about sowing/giving was one of the things that He would require me to do. The prophet I was sitting under at the time who was training me, then prophesied this EXACT SAME THING...that God would require me to teach on sowing, giving, and good ground...but He (God) said I first had to sow and BECOME good ground. So a lot of my training on sowing started in the late 1900's and required me to sow money...not time or gifts... but money. And I sowed easily thousands of dollars. I can't even tell you how many tithes, offerings, and $25, $50, $100, $500 $1000 and more seeds I sowed throughout the years.(And I still sow) The prophet I was training under was literally a training ground. We were trained how to give and respond to the Holy Ghost by 'faith'. The prophet I was training under continued to say that it would not be popular and she said I would be hated for it, but God is going to require this of me. This unpopular task has reaped those who have sown into my life and ministry many benefits. Also, on the other hand, those who the LORD has instructed me to SOW INTO has reaped the blessings and breakthrough of my many years of sowing that God has graced me to have and continue to have as I continue to serve His nation. The testimonies and breakthrough that you hear about from others is no coincidence or fluke. God honors His word concerning me because I FIRST honored His word concerning Him and I have done so for MANY YEARS...since 1997. There is a grace upon the tithe, offering, and seed that you sow to help the Lord build His house and nation.

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Some in the church have erroneously taught that blessing those who curse you is giving them money. NO IT IS NOT. When we look at 1 Peter 3:9 if we look it up in it's proper context in essence it's  to speak the opposite of a curse. The point is spiritual. Let's get into it by looking at 1 Peter 3:9

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I remember at one point I was doing deliverances so much that I was encountering spirits and situations I was very unfamiliar with. So in between my down time I would go into prayer and purchase books on deliverance. Some of my favorite are Pigs in a Palour, Pastor Greg Locke has awesome material, and John Eckhardt's book of scriptures has made my work a lot easier and literally helped me with many hard cases. So having read so much material on deliverance. Maybe almost equal to what I've read on the prophetic I was determined to find breakthrough. So imagine all of this material I have digested for over 20+yrs. To continue, I've come across many spirits...so many.., but none as ruthless as the spirit of Belial. Here's some background about this spirit. 

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