Published on 7 June 2024 at 07:42

What does it mean when God sends an Apostle or Prophet to another Apostle or Prophet?

Really great question. There are many answers to this depending on the who, what, where, when, why, and how. But I will tell you about my personal experience.

What I have learned and I'm still learning is the functions of my prophetic mantle are: 

To announce something

To rebuke someone

To support or endorse a venture the Lord wants to succeed

And/Or Locating, anointing and promoting


The Lord has given me two major assignments in the past 8yrs that are note worthy and I praise Him for this. Both of them were an assignment of prophetic conciliation. 

The definition of prophetic conciliation in the concordance is: 

1106. Prophetic Conciliation—Always in response to the bombardment of spiritual assaults, this term applies to the reversal acts of the prophet. God calls on a prophet to exercise his or her high mantle to restore health, victory, and prosperity to a person, organization, or ministry once under divine judgment or satanic siege. It is very essential in situations where prophetic assassination and spiritual slander have occurred, particularly where a powerful prophet was involved. The effects of this function are the removal of the demonic powers permitted to overshadow and/or overthrow the victim with the authority of the higher mantle overriding the edicts of the first prophet instrumental in the spiritual assault. The intercessory functions of a prophet’s ministry are shown with Daniel, Job, Moses, and Samuel. 

These assignments came with all of hells arsenal. Unfortunately, some were never taught properly in the prophetic communities they are apart of and as a result  some professing believers (with and without titles) got together a posse and began an entire anti campaign against the work I was called to. Maybe because God never deemed it important enough to include them in on His plans.


However be it as it may these assignments were given to me by the Lord for two different regions. These assignments came while I was working for the Lord in a completely different region and both assignments were unexpected. 

When you get assignments of this nature you must understand that God will rarely if ever give those in direct contact with your assignments any information because sabotage and envy are real things/mindsets to those who haven't learned how to die to the flesh to complete a God assigned mandate. Stay tuned for more examples on how God uses prophets/apostles today. 



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