Published on 10 June 2024 at 10:23

Sin is the Hebrew word Kah-Tah-ahhh. Comes from the root word kah-tah it means to miss. Romans 3:23 - falling short of Gods glory.

The Greek word Hamatano- to miss the mark and not share in the prize. So sin will cause us not to get the inheritance that was intended for us by God.

In my studies first and then in real life... I found out that sin is not just an activity, but a purposing and intentionality of the mind. What does this mean? It means this..When I decide to sin but haven’t had the opportunity yet I have already offended God. Romans 8:7- so we must repent for the intentions of our mind. Jesus spoke of this in Mathew 5:27-28. There was no activity just the fantasy of it in the mind. I clearly remember this about myself...I had to face off with the images (of the sins I would do in my mind) that I had in my mind, that I thought were harmless...I was sinning in imagination...not with a person....But here is the setup-I knew because I had those images...if I got into that situation...I would sin....because I already had the fantasy of it...and did it in my mind.

This is just me being transparent so let me share it another way with you. There was a time where when I was born again, loving God, serving God, BUT I use to be like...I will just imagine it...(my sin, my pleasure...cuz the flesh wants what it wants) ... I won't do it... but I will imagine myself with that pleasure''s not harming anyone...and it's at least some sort of satisfaction that I can get...without actually doing it...  boy was I SO then one night the Lord came in my dreams like a fierce inferno fire and told me He was very displeased with those  'thoughts and images' and intentionality'. 


Meaning to involve yourself with any idea of sin but haven’t had the opportunity to do it yet and/or you are doing it in your offends the Lord and that is a sin against God. When I first learned this it blew me away. It's in essence saying that we must identify and address our secret thoughts and desires. But how easy is this all the time? I often pray to the Lord to reveal the hidden things(images, pleasures) that keep me away from Him. This is what I call next level deliverance. In case you haven't noticed... we have stepped into a season of Gods next level deliverance. It's not just...devil come's taking captive every thought that exalts itself over the knowledge of...who God is and created us to be as sons and daughters. Gods off spring. You can't go to your next level until you deal with next level deliverance. God is saying...'I need a people who are with me and are willing to purify...and lay it all down and follow me. Will you take up that challenge to go to that next level in God? I am going. Why? This is where my future is, this is where my prosperity is, this is where my breakthrough is, this is where my blessings are. We are laying aside every weight and the sin that so easily 'resets us'. Also known as putting us back in a place where we have to start all over and miss out on moving forward because we're too busy imagining and being pleasured by what's behind us. Forgetting those things which are behind and press towards the mark of the high call!! It's time for you and your imagination to face off with the cross. The blood of Jesus will never lose its power. It's a daily death! Die one day at a time. 

Stay tuned for part two...


 God has finally released me to write and release my very first deliverance manual. After years of doing deliverance, encountering different levels of warfare I'm excited to put most of it in book form. This manual will be detailed, power packed, and filled with my many encounters.

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