Published on 23 July 2024 at 12:35

When disappointment happens back -to -back- to -back or even in a series in our life it's easy to expect more of the same. Sometime our expectation of always receiving disappointment, the short end and disaster in life creates a posture of accepting 'disappointing results' as a norm so when it does show up we are already 'acclimated and in that heart posture. ' So in essence we live in disappointment. I counsel with many youth and adults who literally have these disappointments  until we apply God's knowledge (the logos) and change this self sabotaging mechanism. I read an amazing article by Joyce Meyers that talked about the expectation of bad outcomes from evil forebodings.


Here's an excerpt from her article:

Joyce Meyers - Expect Something Good To Happen

' Sometimes when you’ve had a series of disappointing things happen, you can get in the habit of expecting more of what you already have.  I used to be like that. My motto was, “If you don’t expect anything good to happen, then you won’t be disappointed when it doesn’t.”  But this isn’t how God wants us to live!  

Because I was sexually abused as a child by my father, I grew up and became an adult who was really negative. Even after I had a strong relationship with God, I still struggled with this for a while. Then one morning, I was standing in the bathroom and I remember noticing this evil presence around me. It wasn’t new...I realized I had always felt it. It made me think, What bad thing is going to happen next? I  asked God what this feeling was. He spoke to my heart and said, “Evil forebodings.”


Later, I found Proverbs 15:15, which says, All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances] (AMPC).  Once I read this verse, I realized what it meant. An ‘evil foreboding” is the fear of something bad happening when nothing was going wrong. Then I looked back and saw how it affected me at different times in the past...  

For example, the night Dave asked me to marry him, he said he needed to talk to me about something. I actually thought he was going to break up with me because I always expected the negative!  That’s exactly what Satan wants you to do. He wants you to expect something bad and to become fearful of the “what ifs.”

Fear is the opposite of faith, and it takes faith to accept anything good in our lives.  When I was expecting something bad to happen, my expectation was from Satan. If we are not careful, this expectation will open the door to Satan’s evil plans for our lives by waiting for bad things.  But when we expect good things, we open the door to God’s plans (see Lamentations 3:25). ' ~Joyce Meyers 


 What a great testimony! Now here's another scenario... tell me what happens when the the evil presence that is the source of our disappointing expectation is actually in the form of a friend, prophet, intercessor, pastor, leader or group, groups, and/or someone who we listen to that always reminds us in some way to 'EXPECT EVIL'? In other words, we are submitting ourselves to someone else who is bringing 'evil forebodings' in our life?  This happens ALOT. I see this very often. So what's the remedy? The first thing is to get rid of the source. That person or group of people has to go! Goodbye to all open doors and satanic messengers.  We definitely DO NOT SOW INTO THEM. WE NEVER SOW INTO LOSS, ESPECIALLY PAST LOSS WE HAVE SOWN INTO FROM PEOPLE, PLACES, AND THINGS.  Next, just as Joyce did apply Proverbs 15:15. So first we close the door to those human messengers and next we deal with our thoughts. The bible says, so a man/woman thinks in their heart that's who and what they are. Let's take our thoughts back.  Our thoughts determine our quality of life.

How and why can we do this? Again, as Joyce explained its because of Isaiah 30:18 - Therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you…. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him…

God wants to be good to us but we must have that expectation. Evil forebodings cancel out our expectations for God to be good to us. I think its time for us to set new declarations over our lives and cancel out all evil forebodings whether person, place, or thing so that God can visit us with His kindness, goodness, and mercy.  It's time to birth the new. Speak it then execute it. Change out lessor people and gods. You need to change from the lessor god to the GREATEST God! Elohim. Implement the constitution of His thoughts, mind, and intentions according to the holy scriptures and holy prophets and apostles.







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