Published on 12 June 2024 at 10:43

Have you ever wondered if you could buy back time? I mean...haven't you heard the saying that 'time' is one of the things that you can never get back? I'm sure we all have had moments where we wish we had a do over. We even prayed'...God give me a re-do, a do-over. I get it now.' Well guess what? I have awesome news for you. God is saying it's possible to buy back time in His Kingdom. Imagine that!! There are moments that God will allow you to buy back or redeem. This is His way of honoring the purpose and destiny on our life as well as getting His original plan accomplished. Let's take a closer look.

Ephesians 5:16 '...redeeming the time, because the days are evil.' (Barean Standard Bible) 

The Elliotts Commentary tells us '...To “redeem” is “to buy up for oneself”—. 

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary says, 'Time is a talent given us by God, and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to His design. If we have lost our time heretofore, we must double our diligence for the future. Of that time which thousands on a dying bed would gladly redeem at the price of the whole world, how little do men think, and to what trifles they daily sacrifice it!'

And finally, Barnes Notes On The Bible says, 'Redeeming the time - The word rendered here as "redeeming," means "to purchase; to buy up" from the possession or power of anyone; and then to redeem, to set free - as from service or bondage; notes, Galatians 3:13. Here it means, to rescue or recover our time from waste; to improve it for great and important purposes.'

The theme in all three translations that stand out is time lost by us allowing others to influence (by opinions, other tasks, misapplying scriptures to gain influence over us, and manipulating us in any way) us under certain circumstances CAN and MUST be purchased back. 

How is this accomplished? One of the ways we do this is by eliminating time wasters. Eliminating people, places, and things from a previous season; eliminating people, places, and things that didn't work out; eliminating people, places, and things not headed in our God ordained direction; eliminating people places and things that put us under unnecessary and ungodly pressure; eliminating people, places, and things that hijack our destiny to try to get us to fulfill theirs (when they should be doing it on their own. Let's not forget God is only going to judge us for what He required us to produce in the earth. God isn't going to judge us off of what He required others to do. That is their own business with God that they will stand in judgment for. It's our job to work with God to produce our own God given destiny.) 


So what does this look like? Here are two examples of what God allowing us to buy back and redeem time looks like:

1) God allows the open door that He designed for us originally to open once more. Our responsibility is to recognize it, seize it quickly, and enter our destined season to make the most of it. Wether it's a person, place , or thing, it will receive us. 

2) God will bring back the 'opportune season' to us once again to see if we recognize what He said originally, and if we are willing to 'buy back', (take the time to sacrifice our now to get to our destiny) the moment, seize it quickly, and pay the price of disconnecting from something that may be a 'good thing' but not Gods thing for your life.


Remember, we are only given so many chances in life to do what we were born to do before those moments are lost forever and can't be redeemed. My prayer for you today is that you would examine your life and recognize where God is trying to help you redeem time so that when you stand before him, you've accomplished what he placed you in this earth to accomplish. Not what the enemies to your destiny tried to get you to accomplish.  






God uses doors and oportune season to assist us with 'buying back time.' If you have ever wished for a re-do or do-over it's possible in God. 

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