CRYSTAL SHERIE - March 2nd, 2025
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
The phrase 'appointed unto men once to die' signifies that every individual on earth are destined to experience physical death. It points to the undeniable reality that we will all face death in our earthly existence. The phrase again is used to illustrate the fact that Jesus Christ died once for sin. And this is important because this is the major most important event pertaining to us. That Jesus did it once. And just as Jesus took, and it took Him one time, to rectify what happened in the garden. We will now take and leave this earth one time. And so we have the time on earth that God has given us to complete our Jeremiah 29:11. To complete our purpose and destiny. Will we run our race and complete our destiny? Or will we be found people pleasing? Will we be found doing things other than our destiny? Or will we be found faithful once we die and then face God for judgement?
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