I believe that finding Jesus is the most fulfilling and rewarding place that we can ever come to in our human existence. Having an encounter with the man who died on the cross for the sins of the world and secured our now and our next means that He didn't just change our (physical) lives forever but changed our eternity. Jesus made it possible to not only get back to God but to also get back to the inheritance which is now in Him. His declaration of our righteousness by the shedding of His blood forever changed our DNA and engrafted us into royalty. This means we're changed from being just a mere mortal and we have moved into immortality. Let's look more into who Jesus is and what He's done that makes Him praise worthy, trustworthy, and exalted. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Let's get to know Jesus.



Becoming who you've always been is another way of saying God authored your life for success through Jesus Christ before the world was framed. (1 Peter 1:19-20, Revelations 13:8) When Adam used his 'free will' (Joshua 24:15) to sin in the garden it locked us into Satan's cycle of sin and death that we had no power to step out of or defeat(our sin nature). But you must understand that God had a plan in place to save us from Satan and our choice to partner with his script for humanity. (John 10:10)  Being born in the battle means what happened in the garden had a direct effect on humanity. (Romans 5:8) It means that sin entered our world through Adam and that sin contaminated our human nature and everything that would be born from Adam from that point on would carry the pollution of sin. (Romans 5:12) As a result our sins have separated us from our true identity in God and our inheritance with God.  (Genesis 3:7-24) So God understanding the problem before He created us turned His problem into a solution. God did three things. The first thing He did was to make the decision to die for the sins of humanity so if they want to come home they can. (John 3:16)  The second thing God did was continue to allow us to 'choose'. We all face the same choice Adam and Eve faced every day of our lives when we confront Satan and the systems of this world. Choice is the gateway to destiny. And the last thing God did was employed Satan as a sifter. This means Satan makes sure that everyone like Himself won't enter God's realm. So Jesus came and championed our redemption and purchased us back from the gods of this world so we can have the choice to be reunited with Him both now and in eternity.


Entering the congregation of the mighty. C.O.M.E.E. Romans 10:9-10 says if we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that God raised Jesus from the dead we will be saved.  Once we believe and  repent of our sins, at that moment God gives us a new heart. Our new heart partnered with God's spirit begins the process of the change over from darkness to light. For with our mouth we confess our choice to believe in what Jesus championed for us . And in our heart what we believe begins to spring forth into our actions which is the changing of leaders. (From Satan to God) This means we are now letting the champion Jesus lead our life. He declared us righteous, now we are being made righteous and washed by His thoughts, mind, and intentions.(The Bible) We are now sons and daughters, royalty, being made holy.  We have moved from mortal to immortality. Our new identity. Identity is the key to destiny.  'But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God. (Even) to them that believe on His name. John 1:12. I was in Christ before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4;  As He is so are we in this world. I John 4:17; I am the priest of the sovereign God. Revelations 1:6; I am the sovereign elect of God. I Timothy 5:21, Revelations 5:10; I am of the redeemed nation of Jesus Christ I Peter 2:9; I am the citizen of the Holy Nation. God always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus. II Corinthians 2:14; I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:9; I am filled with the fullness of the God head bodily. Colossians 2:9. Christ in me is the hope of glory. Colossians 2:27; I am the apocalyptic sovereign of creation. Revelation 1:6. I am the righteousness of God in the flesh. II Corinthians 5:21; I am Jesus' way, truth and life. John 14:7; I am what creation is waiting for. Romans 8:19; I no longer serve sin. Romans 6:17.


It's time to start your new life. Say this prayer with me:  

Prayer of Salvation - Father I ask for the forgiveness for my sins. I have sinned and fallen short of your standard. My righteousness means nothing. I admit I deserve to be punished but I thank you that you took that punishment for me. I  renounce my old way of living and thinking. I confess and believe that Jesus Christ—our Lord and Savior—came to earth, lived among us, then He died for my sins on the cross and rose again on the third day.  His perfect sacrifice made a way for my redemption. Thank you for getting me back from the hands of the enemy.  Now with my mouth I confess, and with my heart I believe I am saved. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus name, Amen. 


It's time to tell your family and friends all about the new you and the good news. What better way than to invite them to your church service to be baptized. This is assuming you are in a God assigned church. A baptism service is symbolic and publicly announces what's happened and what's happening on the inside. It announces to both heaven and earth you have made it back to God and stand in the congregation of the mighty. You are saved. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. The baptism service helps your church leadership and those connected to you acknowledge you publicly and keep you in their prayers and  include you for all discipleship events. It's also a indicator for your leaders to offer and assist you with soul healing and include you in on community and church events. 


If you are not already connected to a church body now is the time to get connected. I always encourage you to connect in person because of the in person experience. As you connect in person you become apart of God's family and you get to learn His culture, and grow with other brothers and sisters in Christ.  The group, one to one, and church events are all designed for your growth to help you understand how the Kingdom of God runs. God assigned church helps you navigate life by learning the bible for yourself. Some of the things you learn are how to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself,  how Gods economic system works, how  His entertainment system works, how His communication system works, How His judicial system works, how His educational system works, how we are to relate to Him and more. 


Congratulations!! Welcome to the kingdom family! I have a gift for you that will help you as you begin your new life's journey. Just fill out the form right next to this message and I'll get your gift right to you. Here are  a few things you can do now that you are born again:

1) If you haven't connected with me online you can do that here.

2) If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter you can do that here.

Here is Jesus' promise to you...enjoy your journey.

'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' John 10:10

Here are a few resources to help your journey...